Now I do not want to sound like I am being a big baby hear, but one injustice after another is driving me to the edge and really making me wonder where my morals stand these days on “right” and “wrong”.
I always say that “my wife keeps me a good person” because whenever I go to the polls she argues that we should not be selfish when we vote and we should start to consider the cares for others…. but I am really thinking I am done with that.
That said I posed the question to the two proposed new leaders… “What can this country do for me?”. Because I have been doing a lot for this country for way to long with zero ROI.
Let me give some examples in my experience….
When I first went to college I tried to get government and I was told “This benefit isn’t for white suburban boys, ask your parents”… My parents were broke, so that did not make any sense to me, my zip code did not mean I had a nice property or means of my neighbors.
When I was laid off and applied for my family to get ObamaCare they tried to tell me it would cost me close to $2,000 a month because of my previous salary… but gave me a whopping $140 a week in unemployment. I don’t think the government understands unemployment
When I started a rental business and got it going during COVID I was told “You have to pay for your tenants to live there and you can’t ask them for rent or evict them”.
When non paying tenants hot water tank broke and when the HVAC was not working great, I was told I had to fix it.
When I asked to write off these expenses the IRS told me “You cannot take write offs on rentals you do not make money on”
When I informed the IRS that the tenants were non paying, they asked me “Then why did you have repair and utility costs”?
When I asked the government to help with the cost of rent for the non paying tenants, they ran them and I down an impossible rabbit hole of documentation with no guidance and the squatters would have had to complete with no motivation.
When I decided to end it and sell the building, the IRS argued writing off the improvements I had to make in order to complete the sale and charged me with capital gains for the full sale. (I am fighting this and I will fight this to my grave — This is pure extortion)
After replying to an audit, the IRS waited 4 months to respond to my reply, then charged me interest for anything they deemed I owed for the time they took to reply.
When I asked my wife to help me with my business, this one, because I could not afford staff…. I was told my wifes business expenses is not a write off because she was not my employee.

The frustration and extortion is real in the US Government and I am learning that the government is not there to help businesses get started at all. They support the worker, sure, and they support the big business, of course, but the struggle to go from a startup to something that you can use to support yourself, or retire on, you better be really thick skinned and not expect any support at all.